WOW, check this out!
This is a story about blood sugar levels that just happened with my friend Dana when we were together a few days ago. She is Adult Onset Type 1... Her pancreas does not make insulin any more.
We were sitting together going over the doTERRA essential oils and natural products she had just ordered to detox and cleanse, encourage good sleep, support her respiratory health, and boost her immune system. (I offer a complimentary Wellness Consult with everyone who orders wellness products through my site.)
12:32pm - Blood sugar alarm goes off. "Uh oh. My sugar is at 80 and dropping fast (double arrows down). I need to go to the kitchen and eat something now."

Me - "Are you safe enough to try something? I have this MetaPWR essential oil in my bag and I believe it may help support healthy blood sugar levels."
12:33pm - She takes four drops under the tongue. Takes a screen shot of the monitor.
We continue talking about oils. She keeps checking in with her body signals and notices that things don't escalate. She sits still. No food is consumed.
12:42pm - We check the monitor again to see where her glucose levels were. 124!?? WHOA. That's in 9 minutes time! She says "Not even the juice I normally take works that fast. That would normally take at least 15 minutes. And sometimes it goes so slow that I take more juice than I should and I spike my blood sugar." 😕

We continue to talk and go over how to use the oils she just purchased.
1:25pm - And almost an hour later with no food ingested, and the number is 137 and nearing the high end of the healthy range (100-140), but the sideways arrow indicates stability.
WOW!! So incredible.

So maybe she only needed 2-3 drops? Every body is different with different processes, circumstances, and tendencies.
Additional notes from Dana:
"The arrows... double down =rapid drop... no arrow was probably just calculating and hadn't registered... arrow pointing right = stable blood glucose level. Insulin on board = what is calculated to still be on my system based on the length of time since previous dose of insulin.
Insulin doses are calculated using formulas in a program in my insulin pump. My cgm tells my pump what my bg is (blood glucose) and the trend pattern (rise/fall/stable) determines how much to dose. If I'm falling it will hold off giving a new dose but it can't undo what is already in my system. These insulin on board numbers (IOB) show how confused my body was. 😆 But the real testimony was the fact that I stayed in a good range all afternoon.
MetaPWR - What is it?
It's a blend of several pure, potent essential oils that are internal grade.
Here's how doTERRA describes it:
"Developed with doTERRA clinical researchers, MetaPWR Metabolic Blend is a proprietary balanced ratio of CPTG® Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. The MetaPWR essential oil blend can serve as an important part of a daily healthy metabolic regimen when used internally.†
An unpublished preclinical study suggests the Metabolic Blend may target and reduce adipose fat cells when ingested, but more confirming clinical research is needed.† Limonene, a prominent chemical component in MetaPWR, may support a healthy metabolism when ingested.† Consuming Peppermint essential oil, a MetaPWR ingredient, has been shown to decrease appetite and enhance exercise performance.† The citrusy, spicy, and minty aroma of MetaPWR also promotes a stimulating, uplifting environment.
MetaPWR Metabolic Blend—part of the MetaPWR Metabolic System—supports healthy wellness regimens focused on increased energy and vitality, metabolic health, and weight management to add health to your lifespan.†"
And this is just the Essential Oil Blend!
The entire system is absolutely incredible.... you can get it HERE for wholesale prices.
I think that the Advantage Collagen + NMN and how it supports healthy biological aging (Can we say "fountain of youth!??") is probably MY PERSONAL FAVORITE thing of the whole system!
Grab this system today and get my wholesale prices - a free wholesale membership with doTERRA for one year, along with my personal support for your journey.
Hey would you like to see my BEFORE AND AFTER photo of the 30 Day Challenge on MetaPWR?? Go look... seriously.... I was SHOCKED at how effective this whole system is.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseas