Do you have money blocks?
I was talking with a team member yesterday about this, and wanted to share ...
You know, money blocks are a collective thing for women that we are integrating right now. (You're not alone!) 😅

And it's funny how pervasively they show up in our thoughts and life too. Like, all the fear around being too sales-y in the company I work with (many, many people let that block stop them from moving forward to help people) is really fear around money. It lives in the same space...
✨Fear of not spending it properly.
✨Fear of not managing it properly.
✨Fear of not having enough.
✨Fear of it being swindled from us.
✨Fear of people thinking we're swindling it from them.
✨Fear of others not having enough.
✨ Fear of being perceived as just caring about the money.
✨ Fear of having more than our family/ancestors had and that being seen as arrogant. Etc
✨ Fear of being embarrassed about money or embarrassing someone else regarding money.

It's deep programming we're bumping into and uncovering here. 😳 Uprooting it all will take some intentional attention.
But if we don't do our personal work to change the programming, it will continue on.
What books have you read about money blocks?
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was enlightening for me.
And "Money and The Law of Attraction" by Easter Hicks has been really helpful... I listen to her on youtube a lot about money.
A very successful mentor in doTERRA just recommended I read "Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money" by Ken Honda.
I like to highlight and write notes in books when I really want to integrate and change my patterns so I just ordered it used on Thriftbooks.
Ten minutes a day reading minimum. It's a millionaire habit to ingest through focused reading or listening every single day. (Even notice the collective resistance to creating time to do that ... Another money block.😱)
Abundance is for us. It wants to serve us. The only reason it doesn't show up freely is because we are not yet a full vibrational match to it. Yet. Quantum physics facts. There in lies our work... To uproot that which is misaligned with Who We Truly Are. (That phrase is from "Conversations With God" by Neale Donald Walsch. Another book that touches on money and why we would create ourselves as showing up in a life story that experiences lack of money.)
What are you going to start doing tomorrow to address the money blocks in your life?