It's really time we do our work. Our inner work. This wine down, everyday drink, smoke break, careless binge watch/eat culture is NOT living... It's NUMBING.
Numbing trauma, stuffing emotions, pretending, avoiding conflict, rushing to cover up, stacking on the busy so we feel satiated with a speck of self-worth... For a moment or two.
Our children see it. They are watching this "culture" of parenting. And they see right through it.
Do your work. No one can free someone from a prison they keep chaining themselves to. No one else can do that. And pretty soon, three kids sit down and start doing it too.
Stop the pattern now. Do your work. Find the tools. Read the books. Listen to the podcast. Don't abandon your self one more filled-to-the-brim day.
Do your work. Let the expectations go. Acknowledge the addictions. Find a new tribe. You're the only one who can change your trajectory.
And there's literally a universe full of LOVE & SUPPORT waiting for you. I know. I'm experiencing it. This is why I do what I do... For myself, for my children, for you.
