Something I'm learning... One of the most honoring things you can do for yourself and another is to free yourself from convincing.
Allow people to have the experiences they are creating.
For those with high justice gifting, or strong right / wrong beliefs, this is challenging. They want to insert themselves into another's life with the knowledge and direction they think is superior and press them to make a "better" decision. I know this well... That's been me.
But when we do this, it demonstrates that we don't honor them as a Child of God or their choice, and we rob them of the resulting experience that they will have the opportunity to learn from.

We are operating from a place of fear & concern. We forget that pain, loss, disappointment and trauma are NOT threats. They are merely experiences that we can move through and learn from, like stormy days passing by.
When we identity as our body we think practically anything uncomfortable is threatening. But when we identify with the eternalness of us as Spirit, hardship loses it's threat.
BE love; not fear. Demonstrate; don't convince. Share your story; don't preach. Inspire; don't require. Honor; don't shame. Let go of threat. Trust their process. ♥️
